The Dos and Don'ts of Moving Heavy Furniture

Moving heavy furniture can be a challenging task that requires careful planning and execution to prevent injuries and damage to your belongings. Whether you're moving to a new home or simply rearranging furniture within your current space, it's important to follow these essential dos and don'ts to ensure a smooth and safe move:

Do: Plan and Prepare Ahead of Time

Before moving heavy furniture, it's crucial to plan and prepare first. Create a detailed moving plan that includes the layout of your new space or the desired arrangement of furniture in your current space. Measure doorways, hallways, and staircases to ensure your furniture fits through without any issues. Prepare the necessary tools and equipment, such as dollies, straps, and moving blankets to make the moving process smoother and safer.

Don't: Rush or Overload Yourself

One of the biggest mistakes when moving heavy furniture is rushing or overloading yourself. Take your time and avoid lifting heavy items quickly — this can lead to accidents and injuries. Avoid overloading yourself by trying to move furniture that is too heavy to handle alone. Enlist the help of friends, family, or professional movers if needed, and distribute the weight evenly to prevent strain on your body.

Do: Use Proper Lifting Techniques

Using proper lifting techniques is crucial to prevent injuries when moving heavy furniture. Lift with your legs, not your back, and keep the furniture close to your body to maintain stability. Avoid twisting or turning while lifting as it can strain your back. Remember: if a piece of furniture is too heavy, use a dolly or ask for assistance.

Don't: Drag or Slide Furniture

Dragging or sliding furniture can cause damage to both your furniture and the floors. Instead, use sliders or lift the furniture to move it smoothly across the floor. If you need to move furniture on carpets, place a plywood sheet or a large piece of cardboard underneath to protect the carpet from damage.

Do: Protect Your Furniture

Protecting your furniture during the move is essential to prevent scratches, dents, rips, and other damage. Wrap your furniture with moving blankets, bubble wrap, or plastic wrap to protect it from bumps and scratches. Use straps or ropes to secure the furniture on the dolly or during transport to prevent it from shifting or falling. Remove any detachable parts, such as drawers, knobs, or legs, and pack them separately to prevent damage.

Don't: Forget to Take Breaks and Stay Hydrated

Moving heavy furniture can be physically demanding, and it's important to take breaks and stay hydrated. Moving furniture for an extended period can cause fatigue, which can increase the risk of injuries. Take regular breaks to rest and drink water to replenish fluids lost during the move. Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits.

Do: Inspect for Damage After the Move

After moving heavy furniture, inspect it for any damage. Check for scratches, dents, or other damages that may have occurred during the move. If you notice any issues, document them and contact your moving company or insurance provider if applicable. Taking photos of your furniture before and after the move can also help with insurance claims if needed.

Follow these dos and don'ts to prevent injuries, damages, and unnecessary stress during your next furniture move. At Go Mini’s we want your move to go as smoothly as possible. That’s why we offer convenient drop-off and pick-up of our MINI moving and storage containers.

Learn more and schedule your drop-off today!

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